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Developer Consulting


Developer Consulting

We provide end-to-end support for property developers and portfolio owners when it comes to architectural competitions and occupancy studies as well as marketing leased properties to full occupancy, developing successful personalised marketing campaigns and hosting showrooms or marketing lounges.

Strategic Design
We see Strategic Design as a mindset and a methodology that streamlines the early pre-design phase and helps you make evidence-based, data-driven decisions about the design of your built environment. Working closely with all stakeholders, our consultants gather comprehensive data about your spatial configurations and process structures, focusing on your current as well as future needs in terms of workflows and hierarchies. We curate the insights gained in this process and present them in a structured way with powerful visuals and a clear-cut strategy for the task at hand.

Mit unserem „Strategic Design“- Ansatz ermöglichen wir datenbasierte Entscheidungen, die die Gebäude- und die Organisationsstruktur des Unternehmens widerspiegeln. So reagieren wir flexibel auf sich ändernde Funktionsabläufe oder anderweitige Anforderungen des Unternehmens und schaffen nachhaltige und effiziente Strukturen.

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