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CSMM Journal

GirodiMonaco team


Giro di Monaco

Run for peace
A Ruha is CSMM


A Ruah is!

Weihnachtsfeier CSMM



Linklaters MUC


The Future Lawyer: CSMM proposes a New Work Approach for Law Firms

Whitepaper on workplace transformation in the legal profession
change is chance – CSMM architecture matters


Look: Book

Change is Chance
Office Spaces


Office Spaces

New Work Magazine – CSMM architecture matters

In the press News

Open office for DLA Piper

Modern law firm within historic walls.
TEam Frankfurt


Onward and upward

Architecture and consulting firm CSMM marks an anniversary in Frankfurt


The future office architecture

Rethinking the workplace is both a challenge and an opportunity


Protecting the environment through building revitalization

Properties from the 1950s, 60s and 70s: Don’t tear them down - renovate instead!
Arabellastrasse – CSMM architecture matters


Neupositionierung im Arabellapark: CSMM baut Bürogebäude in Hotel um

We are sorry. There is no translation available.
ICONIC AWARD Innovative Architecture Best of Best für CSMM – architecture matters und BSH


Next stop: ICONIC AWARDS 2019 prize for innovative architecture at Thalkirchner Bahnhof

CSMM – architecture matters wins award for project for Virtual Identity AG / “Winner” in “Interior” category / Virtual creativity in the physical realm

Events News

CSMM – Architects for Future

We must act!
10 Freunde Triathlon



Frankfurt team takes part in the 10-FREUNDE-Thriathlon
Die von den CSMM-Architekten neu gestalteten Büros von frontier economics sind mit einer Nominierung für den German Design Awards 2020 ausgezeichnet worden


German Design Award 2020

7 times nominated


European election at CSMM

Wine-tasting with country identification
Offene Atmosphäre im Open Space – Die Berater und Architekten von CSMM schufen sich mit ihrem Großraumbüro eine Visitenkarte – Foto: Eva Jünger


Help, we’re going open plan!

Studies show loss of communication when spatial planing is wrong / productivity and satisfaction suffer without places for rest and retreat.
Ideenwerk München – Marketing-Lounge: CLS Germany und die Architekten von CSMM revitalisieren ein Bürogebäude in München-Perlach

Events News

CSMM designs “Ideenwerk München” (Munich's Ideas Workshop)

Innovative commercial lettings with virtual reality tours
Munich Creative Business Week 2019: So verändern agile Arbeitsmethoden den Arbeitsplatz von morgen  BSH CO – Foto: BSH Hausgeräte GmbH


Munich Creative Business Week 2019: This is how agile working methods are changing the office landscape of the future

More and more companies are planning their offices from scratch so that their teams can work more effectively. Expert in the field Sven Bietau from CSMM gave a talk on this during Germany’s largest design trade and the International Craftsmanship Fair
German Design Award 2018 für die Allianz Global Digital Factory


Agile ways of working need new office concepts

Offices are in a state of constant evolution: with the development of agile forms of work, more and more companies are reorganising and redesigning their workspaces.
Verleihung der Werte-Preise mit CSMM-Geschäftsführer Timo Brehme

Events News

„Werte-Preis“ awarded in Frankfurt

CSMM congratulates the award winners
CSMM office in Munich designed by CSMM – German Design Award


When workplaces win design awards

Munich architects of working environments, CSMM, receive three German Design Awards in Frankfurt am Main
BSH CO - Designlabor, Coworking und Maker-Space unter einem Dach designed by CSMM - Foto-Copyright BSH Hausgeräte GmbH


Design laboratory, coworking and maker space under one roof

The Munich consulting firm CSMM designs experimental think tank for the BSH Household Appliances Group
Werk3 _ Lange Nacht der Architektur 2019

In the press Events News

Retrospective: The Long Night of Architecture

A full house for the Long Night of Architecture – maximum number of visitors at all sites
Für die Türme STAR und SKY der BAVARIA TOWERS sind Nachhaltigkeitszertifizierungen außen und innen angestrebt. CSMM entwickelte individuelle Corporate-Architecture-Konzepte. © Visualisierung: Bayern Projekt GmbH

Events News

Planning ahead – CSMM in the DGNB

DGNB BARCAMP: essential aspects of sustainable planning
Anwälte von DLA Piper im Leo-von-Klenze-Trakt im Palais an der Oper – Entwurf und Planung von CSMM – architecture matters


Individual offices, once the lawyer’s favourite

More and more lawyers are now referring to the anti-status paragraphs and moving into open-plan offices / More teamwork, digital files, agile projects and networking require a greater level of communication and new spatial concepts
Drei German Design Awards für CSMM – architecture matters


German Design Award 2019: CSMM pulls of a Hat Trick

Three nominations and three German Design Awards for CSMM / ‘COWORK – Siemens Real Estate’, ‘Virtual Identity at Thalkirchner Bahnhof’ and own office ‘CSMM in WERK3’ recognised by the German Design Council
100 working SPACES mit gleich drei CSMM-Projekten

In the press

100 working SPACES featuring drei CSMM-Projekte

Smart Tech und Innovation Spaces
Co-Creation-Vortrag beim Workplace-Kongress in Köln, CSMM, Cowork – Siemens Real Estate


Co-Creation: Offices increasingly move towards “Hub & Home”

Carola Puchner from CSMM to speak at the workplace congress held as part of Orgatec in Cologne
Preisverleihung der ICONIC AWARDS: Innovative Architecture 2018 in der Pinakothek der Moderne in München – DNA und CSMM nehmen Auszeichnung für COWORK – SIEMENS REAL ESTATE entgegen


ICONIC AWARDS: Innovative Architecture Ceremony at the Pinakothek der Moderne

Design prize in the design museum – D’NA and CSMM win ICONIC AWARD: Innovative Architecture
CSMM fördert als familienfreundliches Unternehmen das JUKI – Jugend- und Kinderfestival im Werksviertel

Events News

CSMM supports festival for children and young people

CSMM unterstützt das Jugend- und Kinderfestival
CSMM unterstützt BlackRock


CSMM unterstützt BlackRock beim größten Miet-Deal des Jahres

Landeshauptstadt München mietet 25.000 Quadratmeter Bürofläche im Kustermann Park


Real Estate 4.0: Digital and Flexible Working Environment are Changing the Face of Office Buildings

Arbeitgeberattraktivität: Planung orientiert sich so sehr wie nie zuvor an Nutzerbedürfnissen


Iwatani moving into Palais an der Oper

CSMM achieves full occupancy
WERK3 mit CSMM in der Atelierstraße 14 – Foto: OTEC

Events News

The Lighthouse Project

CSMM in WERK3 provides a backdrop for the Trondheim Voices and the Munich Chamber Orchestra
Arbeitest du noch oder gärtnerst du schon


Are you still working, or have you already started your gardening?

Biophilic Design is able to improve working environments if you want to go beyond simple decoration / Timo Brehme from CSMM on the pros and cons of green designs in the working environment


Open-Plan Rather than Small Units: This is How Open Offices Work

Munich Consultancy firm CSMM explains how Open Offices succeed
CSMM kreiert neue Arbeitswelt für internationalen Spieleentwickler Ubisoft


This Turns the Office into a Creative Workshop for Games Developers

CSMM creates a new world of work for international games developers Ubisoft in the Berlin Start-up Tower / Office design for IT has to fulfil particular requirements
Alter Wall in Hamburg mit Büros von CONTORA OFFICE SOLUTIONS sowie DLA PIPER und LINKLATERS designed by CSMM – architecture matters


CSMM providing support to CONTORA Office Solutions across Germany

CSMM is supporting CONTORA Office Solutions, provider of premium spaces, with new locations currently in planning in Germany.
Innovatibe Bürokonzepte vom Kostenblock zum Innovationstreiber


Experts: Those who see office space as a cost factor are throwing away opportunities

ZIA, the Central Property Commission, the German professional association for the property sector, publishes brochures on office concepts / Munich company CSMM acting as consultant and author on the ZIA expert committee for 'New Ways of Working' / Multipl
Allianz Global Digital Factory


Coworking, co-creation, co-culture: Is everything becoming 'co-'?

At the Heuer-Dialog Future Real Estate Coworking & Co. seminar in Berlin, Dewi Schönbeck of CSMM will speak on the topic 'Co-Creation: where innovation happens'.
CSMM im Report: Giving Buildings a Seconds Life auf der MIPIM

Events News

CSMM auf der MIPIM

Giving Buildings a second life
CSMM zu Gast beim Architecture-matters-Kongress

Events News

Architecture matters - Move your business forward!

CSMM beim Business-Brunch auf dem Architecture-Matters-Kongress


I office, therefore I am: How a lack of corporate architecture shakes up a business's identity

If new office environments and coworking spaces are to be more than a pretty place, they need depth: Company culture and corporate DNA must be reflected in facility design / Poor design threatens businesses with identity loss
CSMM ist Programmpartner der Munich Creative Business Week


CSMM zeigt Arbeitswelten von heute und morgen zur Munich Creative Business Week

DESIGN SCHAU! der Arbeitswelt von heute und morgen am 7. März 2018 bei CSMM im Münchner Werksviertel
German Design Award für die Allianz Global Digital Factory


CSMM nimmt German Design Award für die Allianz Global Digital Factory entgegen

Wegweisendes Gestaltungskonzept setzt auf offene Räume, Kreativ-Inseln, modernes Möblierungsdesign und innovative Medientechnik
Offenheit statt Arbeitszelle


Open plan instead of office cubicle: an expert from CSMM speaks about the future world of work

At the 10th Real Estate Forum in Munich, Dewi Schönbeck will be speaking about the theme “Open plan – is it optimal? – changing office culture”



CSMM with Allianz Global Digital Factory
CSMM – Architecture matters


Architecture matters: conceptsued° and Modal M join forces as CSMM

After 15 years of successful growth, the Munich-based consultancy and architecture firm is now bundling its activities under a new joint brand
NOVE by Citterio fotografiert von formfotograf Michael Neumann


Reply with new office design by conceptsued° (CSMM) in "NOVE by Citterio" in Munich and Europe

Neuer Designguide setzt auf einheitliches Farb- und Materialkonzept, standorteigene Akzente, flexible Räume und Möbel
CSMM spendet für Kältebus München e.V.



CSMM spendet an den Kältebus

In the press


„Das größere Magazin für Bürokultur und Corporate Architecture" – präsentiert conceptsued° mit „Büros der Zukunft"
German Design Award 2018 für die Allianz Global Digital Factory


German Design Award 2018 for the Allianz Global Digital Factory

The design concept focuses on open spaces, islands of creativity, modern furniture design and innovative media technology
Das Büro ist tot. Es lebe das Büro!


The office is dead. Long live the office!

Speech by Sven Bietau
Expo-Talk zur Arbeitswelt der Generation Z, mit Dr. Dewi Schönbeck von CSMM


Expo Real: Podium discussion on Generation Z's workplace

Auf der Münchner Immobilienmesse EXPO sprechen Experten vom Munich Airport Business Parks (MABP) über die Ansprüche der Generation Z an die Arbeit von morgen – und damit an die Arbeitswelten
Die fünf Todsünden bei der Planung von Großraumbüros


Press release: The five deadly sins when planning open-plan offices

Münchner Beratungsunternehmen conceptsued° erklärt, warum Konzepte für Open Space Offices oft scheitern – und wie sie gelingen
Büros müssen geflutet werden mit Schönheit


Prof. Teunen: "Offices should be flooded with beauty“

Munich consulting company, CSMM (former: conceptsued° + Modal M), talk to Professor Jan Teunen about the role of working environments for the economy and society / Employees of generations Y and Z search for the meaning of work and identification



Mercer Frankfurt
